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Leveraging In-Market Audiences For Paid Search

Jul 16, 2018 3:00:00 PM

Paid Search has come a long way since the basic keyword match. Advertisers now have a full toolbox of targeting features that seem to be launching at an increased rate. With the new Google Ads roll out, Google is likely putting the petal to the metal to compete with other media placements like the Facebook Marketplace.

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Visual Sitelink Ad Extensions For Car Dealerships

Jun 7, 2017 2:00:00 PM

 After being teased during the Google AdWords Partners Connect for Auto dealerships in April. The new beta access is now here for the long awaited visual site link ad extensions.  Although beta access has been opened to the public, your agency or marketing department may not have direct access to this beta currently. In order to be granted access you will need to contact your Google AdWords rep that is assigned to your account. Our approval process with the AdWords team took over a month, so be sure to get those requests submitted as soon as possible. Although visual site links can be used in many different industries, we will be focusing on the auto industries usage of their capabilities.

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A New AdWords Emphasis On Landing Page Optimization

May 31, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Google AdWords and the Google Display Network provides millions of traffic sessions to advertisers sites every day and is relied upon to drive online leads in many digital marketing strategies. Although optimization or suspension can occur within Google AdWords accounts, the AdWords capabilities have struggled to offer support of optimization to landing pages, A/B testing and an increased user experience. Of course, there have been quality scores to report on these pages but this hasn’t gone much deeper than a scoring system that can impact ad rank and Cost per clicks, but this seem to be moving in a positive direction in the near future. With recent Meetups and conferences like the Google Next Event on May 23rd, 2017 it is apparent that AdWords is taking these landing page issues head on with new capabilities and betas.

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How To Stretch Your Pay Per Click Budget

Mar 23, 2017 9:15:00 AM

If you are running PPC strategies for a company of any size, chances are you have thought about increasing your Pay Per Click budget. Yes, increasing your budget will typically lead to more impressions, traffic and even goal completions. But before you turn up the dial on spend, here are some easy questions to ask on maximizing and stretching your PPC dollars for a better ROI.

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Four Reasons To Integrate Gmail Ads Into Your PPC Strategy

Dec 21, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Are you considering integrating Gmail Ads into your PPC Strategy? If not, you just may be missing out on potentially the best way to reach your current or future customers. With over one billion monthly active users, Gmail has many capabilities for your PPC strategies. Whether your strategy is to nurture leads, target new demographics or simply promote offers to a remarketing list, Gmail Ads from Google AdWords can add another point of contact for your audience.

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Using Click-to-Message AdWords Ads

Nov 28, 2016 4:13:07 PM

With the recent release of Google AdWords Click-to-Message ad capabilities, Google has once again given SEM managers yet another touch point to connect consumers with businesses. The Click-to-Message ad capabilities launched mid October and allows individuals to tap on a texting option which launches a user’s SMS app with a pre-written message tailored to the product or service that they’re interested in.

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