

THAT Blog: Digital & Inbound Marketing | Web Design WPB | 2024 Marketing Strategies

Metrics that Matter: How to Measure Content Marketing Strategies

Apr 19, 2024 2:15:24 PM

In a world where every click, view, and engagement counts, how do you truly know if your content marketing is cutting through the noise? It's not just about crafting compelling narratives; it's about confirming they land with precision on your intended targets. This blog dives deep into the essential toolbox of metrics that can turn guesswork into precision. We'll unravel the mysteries of data-driven strategies that reveal not just who's watching, but who's converting—transforming casual browsers into loyal customers. Join us as we decode the secrets of how to measure content marketing success, ensuring that your digital efforts are not just seen but truly resonate and deliver tangible results.

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From Visibility to Loyalty: Content Marketing's Role in Brand Equity

Apr 19, 2024 2:06:05 PM

Brand equity and brand value: these are the twin pillars that uphold the financial and emotional architecture of a brand. Imagine them as the roots of a great oak, where brand equity taps deep into the emotional psyche of consumers, attracting loyalty and preference, while brand value translates this affinity into tangible economic worth. Together, they forge a brand's fortress in the competitive marketplace, turning casual buyers into devoted, loyal followers. This intricate dance between perception and value is critical for any brand aiming to not just survive but thrive in the bustling market of today. This blog will provide insights to how to use content marketing to increase brand equity and value so can attract valuable consumers.

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Storytelling Strategies: How Content Marketing Shapes Brand Perception

Apr 19, 2024 1:02:56 PM

Think about the last time a good story really grabbed you. Maybe it was a movie, a book, or even a friend’s funny tale at a dinner party. That’s the power of storytelling—it sticks with you. In the world of content marketing, storytelling is just as crucial for brand success. It’s about making your brand memorable by giving it a voice and a story that people can connect with. Why does your business need to dive into storytelling? Because when you tell a good story, people listen, remember, and might even tell others. Let’s explore how you can use storytelling in marketing can be used to make your business stand out and create lasting relationships with your customers.

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Content Marketing for Dummies: Tips, Solutions, and Considerations

Apr 2, 2024 2:23:00 PM

Content marketing, digital marketing, brand marketing, SEO marketing—there's a veritable smorgasbord of marketing flavors out there. Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering where to start or what the differences are? Help is here! Welcome to "Content Marketing for Dummies," the go-to guide for deciphering the marketing melee and finding your footing in the vast digital playground. 

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The Latest Social Media Updates Happening in 2024: A Guide for Businesses

Apr 2, 2024 1:47:02 PM

How crucial is it for any business aiming to enhance its brand awareness to keep up with the latest social media updates? As we proceed further into 2024, significant changes across various platforms are shaping the landscape of social media engagement, content creation, and marketing strategies. This blog post reveals the recent updates from popular social media platforms, offering insights for businesses to leverage these changes effectively and how to cause potential algorithmic harm if not prepared.

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How to Find a Company’s Competitors: Benchmarking Your Way to the Top in 2024

Mar 26, 2024 3:24:54 PM

Understanding the competitive landscape is not just beneficial; it's imperative for any business aiming to thrive. Identifying your competitors goes beyond simply knowing who else is in the market. It involves a deep dive into their strategies, customer interactions, and online presence to refine your approach. This guide, crafted with the insights of THAT Agency, will explore professional techniques for how to find a company's competitors and utilize this knowledge to sharpen your competitive edge.

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The Power of Competitive Gap Analysis and Competitive Audit

Feb 29, 2024 5:46:18 PM

Whether you're a seasoned trailblazer in the business world or a fresh-faced entrepreneur ready to make your mark, one thing remains constant: the need to outshine the competition.

But fear not, in this guide, we're about to unveil two secret weapons that can revolutionize your approach – competitive audit and competitive gap analysis. Buckle up as we journey into the heart of strategic analysis, where we'll uncover the untapped potential of these powerful techniques and reveal how they can catapult your online presence into uncharted territories of success.

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Dominating Brand Competition: Competitive Marketing Strategies for Success

Feb 29, 2024 5:44:35 PM

Dominating brand competition encapsulates the ability of a business to assert its prominence and influence within its industry by outperforming rivals, captivating consumers, and maintaining market leadership. It involves establishing a compelling brand identity that resonates with target audiences, delivering exceptional products or services that meet and exceed customer expectations, and continuously innovating to stay ahead of the curve.

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