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What GPT-4 and the New ChatGPT Could Mean For Your Business

Written by THAT Agency | Mar 16, 2023 12:45:00 PM

If you haven’t already played around with Chat GPT (the older but most recent version being powered by GPT 3.5 Turbo) then you are missing out. Not necessarily on revenue, or anything vitally-important like that, but on a learning experience that is likely to shape the future of the internet. So, if you own a business, and your business has a website, and you want that website to perform well, then the influx of AI we’ve seen in just 2023 alone should pique your interest. Today, we want to take a look at the newest version of the most public-facing and recognizable AI tool–ChatGPT. GPT-4 is “still flawed” as Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (the company that created GPT) says. But as a digital marketing agency specializing in growing small-to-medium-sized businesses, we want to help you explore how you can put this tool to use in your business. What is GPT-4? How can you utilize it?


What is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is the newest model of programming from OpenAI that powers ChatGPT, among other things. So, let’s start with the basics of ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model. That means, in simple terms, that you can type in a prompt, and it will generate a response in seconds that sounds conversational, professional, or however you specify. It can tell jokes, take tests, answer questions, write essays, songs, novels, and more, all by accessing all of the openly available information on the internet. It digests all of this information and then spits out a reply to almost any prompt you can think of. In a way, it’s like having someone read all of the search engine results for a given query, and then giving you a summary (or in-depth report). It can be fun to play around with, but the creators have consistently stressed that all of the text it generates is not going to be factually correct. This is one of the main problems that OpenAI is trying to solve, and GPT-4 has made some strides in the right direction, according to the company. 


GPT-4 is (allegedly) forty percent more accurate than its predecessor, GPT-3.5. How that is measured is somewhat unclear, but from a user experience, there is a consensus thus far amongst those who have tested it, that it seems to more-accurately answer prompts, some of which are very complex. In addition to learning from some past mistakes, a new feature of GPT-4 is that you can feed it a photo, and it can give you a coherent response to questions you might have about said photo. For example, if you prompted it with a photo of someone proposing down on one knee with a diamond ring, and the ring was visible in the picture, then GPT-4 might be able to tell you some things about the ring, such as the cut of the diamond. 


We could go on and on about the capabilities of this tool–and others like it–and how AI is being quickly incorporated into many aspects of businesses big and small, but many others have written about that, and you can find those articles easily. Instead, we want to help you realize how you could use these tools in your business's website to save time, optimize your content, and drive your business forward. 


How to Utilize GPT-4 in Your Business

For starters, let’s talk about what NOT to do. Don’t go into ChatGPT, type, “Write me 500 words about ‘X’ service and why people should use it” and then just paste the chatbot’s response into the back end of your website and call it a day. Not only are you missing out on the whole point of your service page (how your business and service are different and better than your competitors’) but search engines are already using their own AI tools to assess if a piece of content was written by artificial intelligence or a human. How they do that is another can of worms that we won’t get into in this article, but just know they’re doing it. Now, the search engines have not come right out and explicitly stated that content written by AI will be downgraded in the search engine results page, but that is the current, and fair assumption among professionals who work in content creation. 


But, what are some recommended ways to use ChatGPT for your business? There are a few. Let’s stay with content creation for now, specifically the example of creating a service page for your website. Prior to the prevalence of AI, what we would do is: start with the main points you want to get across, do some keyword and competitor analysis, make an outline or framework, draft the copy, then optimize it on the backend of a website. Now, the process looks almost exactly the same, but we have an added bonus piece of information. As a part of the competitor research phase, we can prompt ChatGPT to draft a service page, and it will scrape all of the best (in the eyes of search engines) and related/similar service pages that are currently published online, and produce some kind of amalgamation of them. And so then, in addition to what we are seeing through our own research, we have an idea of what AI thinks is a good service page. From there, we can draft copy that incorporates those aspects we like, while still making it unique and focusing on specific competitive advantages. 


This process can be applied down the line: from social media captions to blog posts, emails, and video scripts. Human creativity is still going to top computer-generated feedback, but these AI tools can actually provide a great spark that can lead to better ideas. 


Save Time, Create Better Content

Learning how to get the most out of these tools can be quite the process, especially if you don’t have a background in content creation, copywriting, or communications. If you go out into this digital frontier guns-a-blazing with no preparation, you’re likely going to get knocked down pretty quickly. Don’t let your excitement get you caught up in something that could later hurt your business in terms of the search engine results rankings. If you want great content created for your website, but want to make sure it’s done right, then leave it to those who are at the front lines of search engine optimization and digital content creation every day. At THAT Agency, we know how to use these tools, when to use them, when not to, and how to get the most out of the time we spend working on your website. Contact us today and let’s go through where you’re currently at, and where you want to get to.