

2022 SERP Trends

Posted at Feb 2, 2022 8:30:00 AM by Enid Glasgow | Share

Google has remained at the top of the search engine world for nearly two decades - an eternity in technology years.

The giant has done so not by adapting to the needs of consumers, but by shaping them.

From autocomplete to semantic search, the minds at Google have given searchers what they need - before they knew they needed it. It’s not surprising, then, that a new change was recently rolled out.

The world’s biggest search engine extended the length of titles and descriptions.

Why is this significant, and does it impact your search engine optimization strategies?

Google's Extended Title Tag and Meta Descriptions | THAT Agency

Screen shot showing Google’s extended titles and descriptions


A Few Things to Know

Google is notoriously tight-lipped about their “secret sauce.” Updates and changes are typically not announced; rather, it’s a case of noticing differences in the search engine results pages or in your search ranking.

This is another reason engaging a firm specializing in
SEO marketing services is essential; these professionals are trained, and paid, to notice. The rest is observing trends.

What SEOs, digital marketing agencies, and savvy businesses have discovered is that while the tags are extended, the change is not universal.

That is, some titles are 50-60 characters, while others are 70. This title, captured by Moz, for example, has 77 characters:


Let's take a look at the current state of search engine optimization, and what we might expect to change throughout 2022.

The landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) is ever changing, and it's always important to have an up-to-date knowledge.

There are some key trends that will continue in 2018, including more usage of voice search, increased focus on local SEO and the impact of mobile first indexing.

Throughout the next few years, here are some trends to keep an eye on for changes, or coming developments in SEO.

4 Key SEO Trends for 2022

1) Mobile-first indexing and content strategy

2) Voice search and conversational search

3) The rise of social media giants and the decline of big brands

4) Digital assistants like Siri, Alexa and Cortana"**

The lesson: it is important that your search engine optimization strategies take into consideration the latest changes in the industry. At the same time, creating a stable foundation on tried and true tactics (e.g. quality content, site speed, keyword optimization, etc.) will ensure that you can weather and adapt to the trends without losing vital traffic or your search ranking.

Your SEO marketing services provider can help you build a strong strategy that empowers you to achieve your business-building goals and adjust to changes in the search industry as they happen.

Tags: SEO, Digital Marketing

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