If you believe your back linking resources have been exhausted, THAT Agency has a few extra opportunities worth vetting. Although each can be time consuming and may have some monetary costs involved, we have found these linking opportunities to be worthwhile when building upon your linking portfolio. The five ideated back linking opportunities listed are proven ways to increase your Domain Authority, but before jumping in, make sure they make sense for your business, your audience and the resource are internally available to utilize each strategy.
EDU Discount Back Linking – Plenty of universities, community colleges and state ran and private institutions have employee and student discount sections on their site. Typically offering a percentage discount or free offer will get you a high domain authority back link to your site. The largest investment in this venture is time as looking for each contact at the university or contact form for each institution can be tedious.
EDU Scholarship Back Links – Paired with potential discounts for employees and students, the creation of a scholarship for universities that may specialize in a major of your vertical can be a valuable PR and back linking strategy.
This is a reoccurring link strategy that will need to be thought out as to the scholarships details and will have will typically have cost included. To the right there is an example of a companies utilizing this strategy.
Military Discounts – Military, veterans and armed forces discounts open another avenue of potential linking. Although there are fewer opportunities in this venture compared to EDU links, landing a .gov or creditable veterans discount link could be the difference between outranking your competitors.
Professional Networking – It may be time to “beat the bushes” of your professional network. What business opportunities or professionals do you have in your network that may be worth contacting for a potential link? Business networking can be much more than just a point of business development, but also a great source of legitimate backlinks and can especially help with your local SEO.
Volunteering & Community Involvement – The last linking opportunity to vet through is your local impact in the community. What are your employees involved in, that could help you digitally network and build local SEO? Organizations may be willing to link back to your business depending on your involvement. Perhaps a sponsorship of a local event or all staff volunteering opportunity could provide yet again another solid linking strategy.
Google Search Operators - Watch this video on how to use search operators for link building:
Once again, we would like to stress that these are all great ideas, but be sure that they make sense to your business before committing to time and monetary costs that are associated for each. We hope that this has help generate some useful ideas in your back linking ventures. For more information on SEO, backlinks, and a free onsite website audit, contact THAT Agency today.