Is your marketing department understaffed? You are not alone in wondering how to find a good marketing person. In a recent study, more than 90 percent of companies surveyed reported a marketing talent crunch. If you are among the many struggling to find and hire qualified marketers to fill key roles, there is hope.
An agency partner can close the gap, giving your department back its ability to fully execute your marketing strategy. In fact, a full-service digital marketing agency like THAT Agency can provide you with support for everything from creative and content to social media management -- and do so in a timely and cost-effective manner. Here's how.
The Marketing Hire Time Crunch
In the aforementioned study, the companies surveyed said that 83 percent of marketing roles take more than five weeks to fill. That's five weeks before you get a qualified marketing hire in-house, let alone acclimated to the specifics of the position. Plus, if you ask most HR professionals, you'll learn that once you hire an employee, it generally takes six months for that employee to become fully proficient in his/her role.
In sharp contrast, it takes less than a month for the entire team at THAT Agency to get to know your company, your customers, and your goals and objectives (plus those of your competitors). And an agency team comes pre-qualified, so you not only save five months of realizing full proficiency in a role, you save the five extra weeks spent tirelessly scouring LinkedIn, vetting haphazardly submitted resumes, and interviewing potential candidates to fill a role (all while the full execution of your marketing strategy stalls).
A Cost-Effective Marketing Hire
Quite frankly, a marketing retainer paid to THAT Agency costs much less than the salary you would pay one in-house marketing hire (plus your company saves money by not having to pay for employee benefits like health insurance, 401k contributions, etc.). And with an agency, you can leverage the knowledge and experience of a whole team of marketing experts vs. one in-house marketing person.
Lastly (but certainly not least), even though an agency team isn't physically or technically in-house, you can rest assured that the team at THAT Agency will manage your marketing budget just as meticulously (if not more so) -- paying careful attention to everything from CPCs to bulk media buying opportunities. (But don't just take my word for it. See the metrics for yourself in THAT Agency's portfolio of client work.)
Instead of wondering how to find a good marketing person to hire in-house, hire an agency full of qualified marketing talent to get your marketing strategy up and running on all cylinders -- posthaste. Get started now by requesting a proposal from THAT Agency.
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