A recent Adobe study found that most marketers believe that their field has changed more in the past two years than it has in the past fifty. If you've been in the hospitality industry for any amount of time, you'll know that statistic is just as true for this industry as it is for any other. Among the many areas of evolution we’re seeing is the explosion of experiential marketing for hotels.

What Is Experiential Marketing?
This concept is sometimes called engagement marketing, and the goal is to immerse customers in your brand experience. The idea is that you want to create a bond between your hotel and the consumer by delivering experiences that they'll remember - and post about! You've likely seen many examples of this in recent years. A UK Ikea store, for example, hosted a sleepover. Fans had a chance to spend a night in the warehouse, learn more about the brand, win prizes, and (potentially) learn more about the product line.
Why Should You Use It?
There are many reasons hotels should be using this marketing tactic, but chief among them is the fact that today's decision makers value experience in their lives. It’s less about things.
In fact, one EventTrack study found that 65% of customers said events (like those involved in experiential marketing) help them better understand a brand. The study also found 70% of those involved in an experiential marketing campaign go on to become regular customers.
Perhaps the most important reason to consider experiential marketing, though, is the social media-centric world we live in today. These campaigns have the potential to grow capture the attention, and the hearts, of customers. When they do, satisfied individuals will gladly spread the word.
Getting Experiential Marketing Off the Ground
Start by putting your customers first. Set a clear goal at the outset, then come up with creative and exciting hotel advertising ideas. Marriott, for example, offered in-room virtual reality sets that helped to transport guests around the world. A fashion show could do it, as could a push with one of your partners like a linen brand or coffee company.
You could even offer something that's not part of your normal line up. Maybe you work with a local artist to provide caricatures at an art show. A free mini vaca that includes a spa day at a nearby shop could be part of the experience. The key here is to be creative and pay attention to the needs, desires, and interests of your target audience.
If you immerse people in your brand, you’ll attract more guests who will not only return, but urge others to book with you as well. It's rewarding, and we can help you get started with buzzy experiential marketing for hotels today.