Most people cringe at the thought of trying to understand how Google and other search engines ranks webpages. Even if it does interest you, knowing the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO) takes time and even more practice. Well luckily for you, we enjoy the complexity of search engines and have listed out 10 quick (and relatively inexpensive) search engine marketing solutions that will set you up for quick wins as you focus on growing your business.

1. Tell Google Who You Are

When you set up a Google My Business account, you enter your company’s information in once, and it integrates across their entire product lineup. Once you do this, you’ll have access to edit your information and access invaluable tools to measure how your site performs.
2. Mobile matters

The mobile-friendliness of your site is now taken into account when search engines decide whether or not your page deserves to receive a high ranking. Luckily for people without a web development background, installing a plugin for your CMS makes your site mobile friendly without costing you a pretty penny.
3. Optimize with Google Search Console
Formerly called Google Webmaster Tools, this free tool gives you invaluable insight into your site’s ranking performance. Not only this, but it will alert you to errors on your site and tells you what keywords Google thinks your site will rank for. Google Search console is your hub for optimizing your site to get your content discovered.
4. Do Keyword Research
The key to getting started with ranking well on search engines is understanding your niche and finding keywords your content will actually rank for. Stay away from broad (short-tail) keywords that large industry leaders will dominate. Instead, use specific (long-tail) keyword phrases that speak to a more targeted audience to start showing search engines your site is relevant.
5. Encourage reviews

64% of millennials feel that companies should offer more ways for them to share their opinions online. Social proof also plays a huge roll in reviews, especially when you're trying to attract millennial consumers. Other than letting other people sing your praises, businesses that have a handful of high quality reviews will rank higher in local search results. .
6. Know your target audience
Targeting and segmenting will always be essential for great marketing, and its no different when it comes to search engine marketing. Understanding how your customers shop online, where they find their information, and their stage in their buying journey will give insight into what keywords would be most effective to rank for.
7. Start a blog and post regularly
There are a few important reasons to blog for your website. First, it gives you the opportunity to strengthen your link portfolio through unique, keyword-enriched content creation. Secondly, it provides your customers with valuable content to engage with. Essentially, it makes your site more relevant in the eyes of not only search engines, but your audience’s as well.
8. Get Google Analytics

This free analytics tool will become your best friend when it comes to understanding the scope of your digital marketing strategy. It’s essential to measuring and making changes based on user behavior, sources of site traffic, and so much more.
9. Stay up-to-date on industry news
One of the unfortunate aspects of search engine marketing is the that algorithms dictating ranking criteria aren’t set in stone. For instance, mobile-friendliness didn’t use to play a part in ranking as much as it does now. Staying current with digital marketing news will allow you to see any hints of a search engine update and how to adjust your seo strategy accordingly.
10. Constantly improve the user experience
Now that user experience factors into your mobile ranking, its important to keep an eye on how users behave with your site once they reach it. For instance, site speed plays a huge factor in your ranking, as well as your engagement rates. Running AMP for your blog is a great way to make sure your content shows up right away on mobile devices.