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Mastering the B2B Lead Generation Funnel: Strategies and Best Practices for Business Owners

Written by THAT Agency | Jul 20, 2023 11:00:00 AM

What’s next for your company? Where will you find your next customer? Are there enough customers who hope to buy from you to ensure your company’s profitability well into the future? Building a good B2B lead generation funnel is often the only way to answer these questions in a positive manner. Many business owners turn to B2B lead generation companies to help construct that funnel, and while their services can be invaluable, doing a bit of heavy lifting on your own can amplify their work considerably, helping you achieve your goals.

It Starts with Your Presence

Where are you online? Are you easy to find and easy to connect with? Your online presence is incredibly powerful today. If you haven’t built a site that prizes UX over everything else, you may have some real issues. Sites with slow load times, excessive buttons, and disorganized architecture simply drive users away from you. A close evaluation of what’s working on your site and what isn’t on a regular basis is the single best way to understand what potential customers see when they visit you.

In addition to simply being easy to navigate and understand, though, your site also needs to be easy to find. Remember that every piece of your site needs to be SEO friendly. Get some insight to find the right search terms and backlinks so you are easily located online any time a member of your target audience is searching for a solution like yours. Create continually fresh content that is always attractive to search engines, too, to help customers understand you’re always available to them.

Don’t overlook the power of social media channels in your efforts. While many companies think of social media as an exclusively B2C marketing tool, that’s just not true. For B2B lead generation, it can be one of your best options, particularly if you’re using platforms like LinkedIn. Statistics indicate the visitor-to-lead conversion rate on this platform is nearly three percent. Facebook and Twitter, even despite their declining numbers, can be just as useful to your company.

Do a bit of research on the platforms where your customers are most likely to engage and make marketing in those spaces part of your ongoing strategy. Encourage your customers and employees alike to share your social content. Research suggested that employee advocacy - the idea of employees advocating online for their employers - helps build a far stronger lead pipeline, often leading to a 30% increase in online traffic.

Getting Them to Opt In is Key

If you haven’t already generated content they feel like they need, you may have already lost the battle. Business owners and key decision makers NEED lots of information to do their jobs well, and the chances are good that you started your business because you can address at least one of their pain points. How often are they turning to you for that information, though?

You’ve probably heard the idea that content is king, and there’s a good reason for that. Effective content strategy is driving the lead generation market today because it helps not only build brand awareness but also boosts your company’s credibility. While content marketing has changed extensively over the years, what hasn’t changed is the fact that people still want it in a few different forms.

They’re looking for targeted information that speaks to their needs and is widely available. They’re also looking for exclusive offers like videos and ebooks that come only when they become part of your opt-in lists. Build the hype and your own credibility with a good content marketing strategy because it will absolutely help increase the number of individuals in your lead generation funnel.

Track Everything

How successful have your efforts been to date? How would you know if they were? Tracking all of your efforts carefully is absolutely a must. There’s so much you can learn about your target audience just by recording what it is that they’re doing when they interact with your brand. Data reveals much about how to focus your efforts, but only if you’re effectively collecting it and analyzing it on a regular basis.

For example, imagine you notice that people are often clicking away after they download a particular whitepaper. Take a hard look at that. Is it hard to download? Does it contain outdated information that no longer applies? Looking at every touchpoint analytically will help you focus your efforts.

Choose the Right Partner

B2B lead generation doesn’t have to just be about the effort you can put forth. Instead, it can also be about adding to your team to help enhance your own efforts. Choosing the right B2B lead generation companies to get an added boost is nothing short of a must in today’s complex landscape.

There are so many different ideas about lead generation today, and the right company can help you sort through all of them and apply the best options to help develop your funnel. If you’re searching for the perfect lead generation partner, we can help. Give us a call today to learn more about our marketing services and what we can do for your sales pipeline.