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Turning Tragedy Into Twitter Genius

Written by Taylor De Luca | Apr 15, 2014 4:44:14 PM

Where were you this time last year? If you can't remember, let me rephrase the question. Where were you when you heard about the Boston Marathon bombing? It's hard to believe that tragedy took place a year ago today.

While the city of Boston has since moved on, they have not forgotten the three that died or the 264 runners and on-lookers that were injured that day. In fact, a brilliant thing occurred today on Twitter. To show their respect, loyalty, and dedication to the city of Boston and those directly impacted by the events of that day, the major Boston sports teams banded together.


At 10am, Twitter genius was born. Brands have always faced some difficulty when posting about a tragedy in the digital space. We all have to be more careful, more sensitive, and more professional than an individual user. The unity of these five brands assured no one was in poor taste. They tweeted at the same time, the same copy, the same image, and using the same hashtag. This genius marketing move was clearly touching, but it also gives brands an amazing example of how to handle these sensitive situations. Bottom line: it doesn't always have to be about your brand.

All the way from Florida, #BOSTONSTRONG.