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7 Tips to Make Your Website Design Work for Your Business

Written by THAT Agency | Dec 15, 2022 5:36:00 PM

You have just seconds to deliver a compelling experience to those visiting your website – and to pull them in further to engage with your brand and its content. Can they immediately grasp what you do? Can they navigate easily and intuitively? Can they interact in a way that resonates with them? And… do what they see and experience in these brief seconds encourage them to keep looking and learning? 

These are some essential questions to ask yourself – and if you are not crazy about the answers, it’s time to make a change. 

7 Website Design Tips to Ring In the New Year 

Designing a cohesive website that delivers a compelling experience to users is a must in standing out from your competition, grabbing the attention of your audience, and, ultimately, boosting your bottom line. 

  1. Start with a Plan

Go back to the beginning. When rethinking your website or building a new one from the ground up, it can be tempting to throw in every trendy element because you think it’ll appeal to your audience. Don’t. This is a scattered approach that won’t yield sustainable results. 

Instead, create a plan, clarify your goals, and identify tactics that will enable you to accomplish them. Anything that does not move users along toward conversion can be rethought – or, better yet, removed. 

  1. Let Your Message Shine Through

As mentioned, you only have a few seconds to engage your audience before their attention is pulled away by something else. Reduce the risk of this happening by removing distractions and clutter

This can include blocks of text that are too long and not broken by headers, bullet points, graphics, etc., one or two too many animations or GIFs, overly ornate fonts, or a riot of competing colors. Keep it clean. There is a reason why one of 2023’s biggest design trends is minimalism. 

  1. Incorporate Social Proof

Think of social proof as a form of word to mouth – which has always been an invaluable marketing tool! When we need to purchase a product, find a service provider, or make some other type of a decision, we tend to ask for help. For recommendations. For reviews. Think about the last time you bought a phone or a pair of shoes, for example. You read the comments to see what your peers were saying about it.

The same is true of the people who are looking for you. They want to receive input from their peers because the reality is that they trust them more than they trust you. At least until you build that relationship. In the meantime, offer social proof. This can take the form of testimonials (both written and video), case studies, reviews, ratings, etc. Social proof is one of the top content marketing trends for 2023, so make the most of it.

  1. Nail Your Call-to-Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) tell visitors to your website exactly what you want them to do. Download eBook. Buy Now. Schedule a Free Consultation. Whatever the next step is, you clear away confusion and make it ultra-clear to them. 

The right CTA can help you push people through the funnel and convert them. CTAs should be placed in strategic locations, such as at the bottom of your pages, below sections that require the user to act, and at the top right of your navigation, where it is prominent and impossible to miss. 

  1. Ditch Stock Images

The days of stock imagery of happy, attractive in catalog way people grinning ear to ear or cute puppy dogs are over. Today, you need to invest in high-quality, original photographs and custom images that differentiate your brand and show your personality, so to speak. 

What about images of real team members working on real projects? How about images of customers and clients (always with permission!) or images of your actual workspace? Generic will not cut it anymore. 

  1. Keep It Simple

Focus on simplicity in 2023. People visit your website because they have a question, a problem, a challenge, or a need… and they are hoping you can help them. While it is important for your website to be aesthetically pleasing and attractive, their primary concern is getting a solution for whatever prompted their search. Forgo any unnecessary elements that clutter up your pages and make it hard for people to wade through as they seek the information they require. 

Some simple steps towards simplicity include limiting colors to no more than five, using highly legible, clear fonts (no more than three typefaces), and using graphics strategically when and where they will enhance the user experience. 

  1. Prioritize Accessibility

You may have the best products, services, or solutions – but if people in your audience cannot learn about them, it does you little good. Your website must be accessible. Certain organizations are required to meet the ADA’s website accessibility standards; even if you are not bound by law, it is still important from an equity standpoint. 

These website design tips scratch the surface when it comes to the possibilities and opportunities open to you in 2023. Connect with THAT Agency to learn how to make the most of them.