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5 Reasons to Focus Your Plastic Surgery Marketing on Digital

Written by THAT Agency | Sep 7, 2017 8:02:00 PM

The internet has changed how consumers approach plastic surgery; it must also change how you approach building awareness of and desire for your solutions. When it comes to plastic surgery marketing, a digital focus is imperative for 21st century surgeons.

 Here’s why:


1. You increase your visibility

While some patients come to you via a referral from another medical professional or a satisfied patient, more self-refer. They conduct research online to learn about procedures and surgeons; there are millions of plastic surgery-related searches conducted each month. When you have a robust online presence, you attract more, and higher quality, traffic to your website and to your practice.


2. You establish your medical authority

In a study entitled Emerging Trends in Social Media and Plastic Surgery, Daniel J. Gould, et al, discovered that a “surgeon’s presence online can dramatically increase their perception as an expert.” Specifically, by offering high-quality content, surgeons can establish themselves as leaders in this field.


3. You develop a strong brand

A strong online presence promotes you as the solution for which prospective patients are searching. As Dr. Gould finds, this helps them understand your style, the type of practice you run, and how you approach patients and their unique needs.

People gravitate to not only your authority but your willingness to share expertise in the form of information and interact with them. A digital presence enhances patient experience, and that, again, builds your brand and your practice.


4. Potential patients trust peer reviews

Consumers are 92% more likely to trust an online review than a brand advertisement. Prospective patients look to reviews for information on procedures and surgeons. They want to see if former patients are happy with their results, if the surgery was worth it. Leverage this trust; ask patients for reviews. You build that trust, and boost your visibility in the search results.


5. You capture, and convert, mobile traffic

More prospective patients are researching plastic surgeons via mobile devices. They also are more likely to take that next step: booking an appointment. Mobile searchers convert more readily, a fact that you can take advantage of when you have a strong plastic surgery marketing strategy.

Consult a digital marketing agency with experience in the plastic surgery field. Your online presence is one of your most potent assets.